A whopping 87% of us [1] look at a second device while watching TV. That’s because texting, tweeting and scrolling while we talk, eat, and even prepare to sleep has become the norm.
With that in mind, social networks are aiming to make multi-tasking easier than ever. Following Facebook’s lead of allowing playing videos to be detached from the news feed, Twitter is launching its ‘docking’ update, meaning users can continue to tweet and scroll while watching video.
While it might not seem like a radical development, it is another great step forward in live-streaming experiences. It means users can join in accompanying tweet discussions and search their feeds without missing a moment of live video action.
So, how can B2B businesses make the most of the new feature? The answer is: don’t shy away from going live. Below, we’ve listed four simple content ideas to get you started:
- Showcase behind the scenes – Live streaming is a simple way to give your audience exclusive insight into what makes your business unique. It could be a quick video tour of a manufacturing plant or snippets of your innovation team working on their next project. With two out of three senior executives saying they would opt for watching video over reading text [2], it’s a perfect chance to create content that gets your company seen.
- Put a face to the name – People want to work with people, not with a faceless brand. Use live content to show off the business’s personality and build meaningful relationships with current and future clients. Every so often, promote a live Twitter Q+A or an interview with an expert rather than just relying on your website chat tools. Remember, it doesn’t always need to be serious!
- Generate a buzz – Why not live stream the exclusive reveal of your next product or service? Or film your key spokespeople talking at your next company event? No one is more passionate about your business than your employees, so let their enthusiasm show through great visual content.
- Make content that works harder – Live video shouldn’t be created, posted and then left to disappear into the ether. It should be linked back to, pinned to the top of social pages and edited for inclusion in future content pieces – helping to boost engagement levels time and time again. Take a look at the great Ecobuild example below where live content has been edited to make an exhibitor case study.
It isn’t as tricky as it might sound. Live video requires minimal equipment, it’s cost efficient, can be a great way to drive traffic onto relevant web pages, build brand awareness and affinity, and support lead generation.
So, are you ready to give it a go? We’re here to help. Get in touch with the BDB team today on +44 (0)161 925 4700 or email [email protected]
[1] Accenture, Digital Video and the Connected Consumer
[2] Forbes Insights